October 1: I want to go to a concert at the red Rock amphitheater sometime! What a cool venue!
October 1: Totally reliving my childhood by coming to this Denver restaurant
October 6 [posted by Josh]: Nice race today. @ammon12tolman #xc #salmonsavages
October 7 [posted by Josh]: Loving the fall colors and fresh snow this morning. #2L #idahome #salmonvalleygolfcourse
October 8 [posted by Josh]: Loving the contrasts. My favorite time of year. #fallcolors #2L #idahodaily #idahome #golflife
October 8 [posted by Josh]: Homecoming 2016. #hoco2k16 #hotties #salmon
October 8: Homecoming 2016. And I just gotta say... Ammon and Hannah are such a good-looking couple!! And they're with a fabulous group of kids, too! I'm feeling all the feels tonight💙
October 10 [posted by Josh]: Opening day, 1st shot, success! Way to go Jonah. #hunting #2L #1shot
October 12 [posted by Josh]:Twin #2 and deer #2. Way to go @micahtolman #2L #hunting #1shot #rightthroughtheheart #2down2togo
October 13 [posted by Josh]: From the 1st 2 pics. to the bottom 2 pics. All in a nights work. We will be eating well this winter. Thanks boys. @_jonaht_ @micahtolman #yummy #selfsufficient #deerburgerfordays
October 13: Kanyon will be selling pumpkins from our Lil' Munchkins Patch of Pumpkins at the Sacajawea Center's Fall Frolic this Saturday from 1-4. It's a fun event for the whole family with crafts, games, refreshments, music, a photo booth, and a miniature horse-drawn wagon ride to the pumpkin patch on site. We've loved growing a pumpkin patch the last 8 years, and it's been a delight to experience one of the joys of fall with our friends, family and awesome customers. This is our FINAL year of growing pumpkins; we are looking forward with anticipation and excitement to seeing some of you at our one-day sale at the Sacajawea Center this Saturday!
P.S. Look how little they were when we first started this adventure in 2009!
October 16 [posted by Josh]: Finally added my contribution to the family deer hunt. One less whitetail varmint on the ranch. #2L #whitetail #deerburger #alfalfafed #hunting
October 19: Girls district champs. Boys 2nd place. Both going to state! #xc #2L #salmonsavages #districtchamps
October 25 [obviously posted by Josh]: So much for the "new and improved" Warriors. GO SPURS GO!
October 28: I have loved spending the past few Fridays in October at Terreton elementary with the 5th grade doing some of my college - required teacher observations. I'm really going to miss the kids there! I got to participate in their balloon launch today for red ribbon week. It was an awesome moment watching the drug-free messages fly away in the sea of loving red.
October 29 [posted by Josh]: Thanks for all the great years Pup! It is gonna be strange without you there!
October 29: Good job Salmon ladies XC team! 2nd at state!!!
October 29 [posted by Josh]: A little family time at state cross country! Good job today @ammon12tolman #xc #salmonsavages #runhard — at Portneuf Wellness Complex.
October 30 [posted by Josh]: Almost Halloween. #pumpkincarving #halloween #bsu
October 31 [posted by Josh]: Just another beautiful fall morning in the 2L. #2L #idahodaily #idahome #golflife #sunrise #salmonvalleygolfcourse
October 31: Happy Halloween!