Micah, hoping for a fish (see all the crowds of people that ACTUALLY give up a Saturday morning to sit outside in the cold for a few hours around a hole in the ground!)
Jonah and Micah had a hard time just sitting by their hole the entire time. They ventured around, slid on their tummies and butts on a snow-covered hill, and Micah accidentally stepped in one of the holes in the pond. Luckily Josh (the Eagle Scout) knew just what to do! Unfortunately, none of our boys caught any fish this year. But, they all came home with prizes: a fishing patch, new hooks, a fish ruler, some magnets and stickers, and some sugary treats!
The derby was so much better organized this year! When we arrived, they weighed his car and gave us a few extra weights so that everyone's cars were the same. Then they assigned him a number (which was #1!!!) and the scouts and their cars competed two at a time, using a double bracket system.
We had a lot of fun! Ammon did so well; he finished 5th of 13 racers. At the end, the leaders gave all the boys a mounted plaque for their cars to be placed on.