He got to choose what he wanted to eat for dinner, and he chose mashed potatoes and gravy, refried beans, broccoli, and pickles. Strange combination, you say? Well, I finally got him talked into a slightly different menu of mashed potatoes and gravy and chicken dumplings.

He wanted a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and mint chocolate chip ice cream.

We were going to have a big sledding party, but due to the warm weather the 2 days prior to the party, there was no snow left. Luckily, there was plenty of ice on our driveway, so they used that for a little bit of sledding fun. They played BINGO and won whoopi cushions as prizes. Ammon opened his gifts. They played nintendo and played guns and watched movies and ate popcorn and laughed and laughed.

At the age of 9, these are Ammon's favorites: color-green, food-mashed potatoes and gravy, drink-Tiger Woods gatorade, friends-Garrett and Ethan, game-monopoly, book-Diary of a Wimpy Kid, school subject-reading, toy-Nintendo DS, sport-football, NFL team-Patriots.
Happy Birthday to you Ammon! We love you and we are so proud of you for the boy that you are!