Boyd K. Packer once said that Romance, Love, Marriage, and Parenthood are the purest, most beautiful, and appealing experiences of life! I love that quote. I am so grateful for my husband. Our relationship has changed and grown and matured so much over the years. I definitely think he's the better half. He helps me to be a better person. We still have our disagreements and arguments, but I think we handle them well. I think we make a good team. I sure love my man! Thanks D'Neill for the tag! (btw, it was great to see you last weekend, even for as brief as it was!!!)

What is his name? Joshua James Tolman
How long have you been married? Over 10 years - WOW!
How long did you date? From August to April, so I guess that's 8 months. We started dating just 3 weeks before I left for college. I quit college after 2 semesters to get married. (I never said it was the smartest thing I did, but I don't think I would've changed a thing either)
How old is he? 31
Who eats more sweets? Definitely Josh. He's like his dad and has a real sweet tooth! My boys are taking after him now too. He snacks and snacks all day. I prefer the 3 meal thing, with minimal snacks.
Who said "I love you" first? He did; unbelievably only one week after we started dating.
Who is taller? He is, he's 6'1". He's about 10 inches taller than me.
Who can sing better? That would be me. Since his vocal cords are paralyzed, he really doesn't have a chance, although I know he wishes he could sing!
Who is smarter? Definitely him. He has an incredible knack for retaining information. I am constantly asking him questions about things, and he always knows the answer. Lucky for me, it's like having a constant walking/talking dictionary/encyclopedia!
Who does the laundry? Both. He does his own. I do my own. I do the kids' (but ocassionally he'll do the kids' as well).
Who pays the bills? He does. We have separate checkbooks. His money pays the bills and also things he needs. My tiny check from cleaning goes for fun things for the family.
Who sleeps on the right side of bed? I do. I used to sleep on the left in our old house, but he always gets the side that is closest to the door and is the most convenient since he has to go to work in the morning when it's still dark. I actually prefer the left side of the bed, though!
Who mows the lawn? Well, this year it has been Ammon. But before that, it was mostly Josh. He's good at what he does taking care of the golf course, but since he mows the grass all day at work, I think he sometimes gets tired of doing our grass too. Occasionally I will do it, I've always loved mowing the lawn!
Who cooks dinner? I do. But only because he works all day, and I'm home most of the time. Josh has great taste buds, and always knows what needs to be done to food. I think he is actually the better cook. In fact, several times I've signed up to make dinners for people in the ward or people that just had babies, and he usually makes the food because he knows he'll do better at it. It's the truth, too!
Who drives? Josh. He thinks I'm a terrible driver. I don't mind having him drive since being in the car makes me sleepy, and I have a hard time seeing the big picture when I drive. I tend to focus only on the road, so if a deer is coming, I don't see it until it's right in front of me.
Who is more stubborn? Definitely me. He is very easy going. I am a pain. Enough said.
Who asked out whom first? He asked me to lunch when I was having a bad day at work (we worked at the same place). We ate at Taco Time, and then sat there and talked for 2 hours after the meal was done.
Who proposed? He did, on Valentines Day 1998. We were watching a movie together. The doorbell rang, and it was a flower delivery man with a dozen of the most beautiful fire and ice roses. I read the sweet card that came with the flowers written by Josh. Then he came down the hall, and kneeled and held out the ring and asked me to marry him. It was very sweet!
Who has more siblings? I do. I have 7 total. He has 4 total.
Who wears the pants? I like to think we share it. I always have my say in things, but he also puts his foot down about certain things too. I think I'm like the mayor, and he's like the governor: I make all the little day-to-day decisions that keep our family going, and he makes the big decisions that keep our household running.
Tag: Jen, BreAnne, Charlotte