Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Live & Love Life 365 (October)

Day 274: Today was the twins' baptism. It was so peaceful and wonderful and nice! The program was perfect, the food was yummy, and the company was pleasant! I was so happy with how it turned out! Tonight I saw "The Help" in the theater with Amanda and John, we ate cheesecake afterwards, and Josh joined us for dancing and karaoke! I truly enjoyed the whole day!

Day 275: I enjoyed listening to General Conference today. I felt inspired and some of the talks really touched my spirit. I'm grateful for the opportunity to see and hear the General Authorities speak! This afternoon, I finished canning freezer corn. I now have 30 quarts of it made from 150 ears of corn. And that wasn't even half our crop! I love the harvest season, and it feels especially bounteous this year, for which I am so thankful!

Day 276: I had a great work day at school. I got to walk with Amanda tonight around the track while the boys played together outside. And FHE was pleasant tonight.

Day 277: The last song on Glee tonight was just brilliant! I DVR'd the show and watched it after the boys went to bed, and I rewound it and watched the ending song 5 times--I loved it that much!

Day 278: I usually do not like Wednesdays at school; they are my hardest day. But I managed to stay composed the whole day and I was very proud of myself! After school, I did errands for an hour until Jonah and Micah were done with their first scout meeting. They were so excited to go! I was so happy that they were so happily anticipating it! Tonight was Ammon's last football game against the black team. They played at a later time, under the stadium lights and the scoreboard was lit up and an announcer called the plays over the PA. It was raining the whole time, and we were all wet and freezing, but Ammon had a great game and I was so proud of him for all his tackles and ball carries. After the boys went to bed tonight, I watched "Steel Magnolias" and cried, and it felt good to let out the tears. And when Josh came home late tonight after being gone for 3 days, I was so glad!

Day 279: Today began a 4-day weekend, and I was glad to not have to school. I have so much I have to accomplish this weekend, and I had a large agenda for today. But three things that weren't on my list of things to do, that I did, actually made the happiest: I ate a hamburger lunch at the high school, I put out my halloween decorations this afternoon, and I watched TV with John tonight.

Day 280: We went to the Homecoming parade today and watched Ammon go by with the Little Savage football team. It was a great parade! The kids got a lot of candy, it was short, and we had fun! This afternoon, the boys helped me pick all the rest of the apples and all the pears off the trees in our yard, and I made 4 batches of spiced apple/pear freezer jam. I can't wait to eat it! Tonight, we went to the Homecoming football game, and it was packed! The game was awesome, the half-time show was great, and we had a good time sitting behind the Tarkalsons and Kauffmans. Oh, and of course our HS team won again!

Day 281: Ammon's last football game was today against Anaconda in Salmon. Although his team lost, they played their hearts out and scored two touchdowns and I was so proud of him and their team! We had a weanie roast over a bonfire today with Josh's family and Malachi's friends and it was a fun lunch! This evening, our neighbor Frank helped me with a project I'm working on for the pumpkin patch. He did some welding and cut a piece of wood with a jigsaw, and I was so grateful! His kindness really made my day!

Day 282: I was grateful to give my Sunday School lesson today about the Sacrament, and it really helped my current perspective about taking on the Savior's name. This evening, Amanda came over with her brother Lance and his wife Amber and we played board games and laughed and laughed! We had a great time!

Day 283: All my classes were good today, and I didn't have to yell once! I was so glad--especially because I just got sick with a sinus infection. Tonight, Amanda and John and I practiced our special musical number for Salmon Idol, and we got a lot accomplished in an hour!

Day 284: When I got home from school, I noticed that Josh had added wheels to my cinderella carriage project I've been working on the last 3 days. I was so glad! Then when I walked through the door, I realized he'd made grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup for dinner for us. I was so relieved! I was in the mood for soup because it was a cool day, and I was ecstatic that Josh had made what I felt like!

Day 285: Kanyon and I ate lunch in the elementary cafeteria today. The students around us were so nice, and I liked my lunch date with him!

Day 286: I came home during my prep hour today to clean the kitchen and do the food prep to feed the missionaries this evening. I listened to a Tori Amos CD super loudly as I cleaned, and I truly enjoyed being alone for an hour and I got the kitchen all clean while singing and jamming out with Tori!

Day 287: We opened the pumpkin patch for the first time this season today. We had several customers, and business was steady for most of the day. The weather was so beautiful, and it was so peaceful for me to sit in the patch and converse with people and watch families having fun!

Day 288: We were so busy at the patch today, and I enjoyed being around the customers and seeing all the fun they were having! The weather was good, and I was so happy today!

Day 289: I tried to teach by the spirit today during my Sunday School lesson on sacrifice. I'm thankful for how this church calling expands my learning and spiritual growth. This afternoon, we had a marathon of watching "Amazing Race" and I enjoyed just sitting around with my family in the warmth of my home while it rained outside.

Day 290: We had a nice Family Home Evening tonight! Josh wasn't gone to a school board meeting, and he was home for it too, which is rare! We talked about reading the book of mormon, and we watched the end of our "Amazing Race" marathon to catch up, and we played games and ate ice cream!

Day 291: I performed in the Salmon Idol Jr. Show tonight. John, Amanda, and I were a trio singing "I Think We're Alone Now". We all dressed in 80's apparel, and Amanda and I had big hair and bold makeup! We choreographed it and I loved singing and dancing and performing with them on stage!! I was on a natural high all night!

Day 292: It was a long day, and Wednesdays have become my least favorite day of the week. I had a meeting after school, and when I got home, I noticed that Josh had made dinner and had left a plate for me, too. I was so grateful!

Day 293: Twice a week I play piano for the show choir during their class time as part of my teaching schedule, and today in show choir, they played group games for an hour. I played with them and had such a ball!!!

Day 294: I was alone in the pumpkin patch all day today with Jonah and Micah, and although the weather was blustery, we had several customers who came and had a great time in the patch and they lifted my spirits!

Day 295: The sunshine today was awesome and dispelled the cold, cloudy, rainy morning. And I was so glad! Because of it, we had a LOT of customers today at the pumpkin patch! We sold out of white pumpkins, mini pumpkins, pumpkin pie, and apple cider! We all had a great day in the patch!

Day 296: The Forsgrens came up from Stanley today to Stake Conference, and the boys played with them for a couple of hours in the beautiful weather outside. They were all so happy! I enjoyed the sunlight, and took our family photo for the year in its rays this afternoon.

Day 297: Our dessert for Family Home Evening was oreos and milk. It was simply delicious!

Day 298: Josh made a yummy dinner of grilled pork chops and mashed red potatoes! And cousin Mikey made a surprise visit right before dinner was done, so he joined us at the table! And then he played with the boys for an hour after and it was so wonderful!

Day 299: I played the wii with the boys after dinner tonight--it was fun! Amanda came over tonight and we looked at photos and videos and reminisced.

Day 300: Tonight was the ward party, and we had a great time! We all dressed up, and played games, and the boys were so happy to go trick-door-treating! It's been a while since we had a ward party and we all came home happy!

Day 301: The weather was beautiful for the pumpkin patch today, and we had several customers come out. We are down to slim pickings now, which has never occurred during previous years, and we are happy with the amount of pumpkins we've sold.

Day 302: It was another beautiful day, and it was so peaceful for me to sit in the pumpkin patch and observe the fall colors and be among the calming surroundings. I was so grateful that today was our last day the pumpkin patch was open! It's been a lot of work, and I'm ready for my weekends to be freed up again!

Day 303: We carved Halloween pumpkins today, and they looked great!

Day 304: I dressed up today as a "witch dressed up as a music teacher" for Halloween. When my first students of the day came in, one of the boys looked at me and said "that looks just like you--it's very fitting for you". I laughed so hard! I helped the twins with their class Halloween party this afternoon, then I picked the boys up from school and took them trick or treating on main street, and we all went to the carnival. I ended up volunteering to work at the carnival for an hour and a half, and I had a great time. It was a crazy busy day, but I had a fun time all day long!!!

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