Sunday, June 15, 2014

Seeing Double

While we were driving on our family vacation over spring break in March, the boys were playing the "ABC game". You know the one: Where you have to find letters on signs in alphabetical order and be the first person in the car to finish? Well, we were playing that game, and as we were driving through Ogden (or SLC or Provo, I can't remember exactly), Micah was losing. Finally, he'd had enough and yelled out: "It's not fair! I can't see the signs!". That's when Jonah reported that Micah had been having a hard time in class, and had been moved to the front of the room so that he could see the board better. I asked Micah if that was true, and he said it was. Josh turned and looked at me and said that I'd better schedule an eye appointment for him when we got back from vacation. So, I did, and sure enough, he needed glasses. 

The day that Micah came home with glasses, he reported that Jonah sometimes couldn't see the board in class either. So I asked Jonah if that was true, and he admitted it. (I love that they both reported on their brother, but not about themselves!!) So...I made another appointment for Jonah to see the eye doctor, and 3 weeks after Micah got his glasses, Jonah got his glasses, too.

Micah picked a plastic pair that's clear with red streaks. Jonah picked a metal pair that's dark brown.

When Jonah first got his glasses, I didn't tell anyone about it. Since Micah had already been wearing glasses for a few weeks, people started associating who was who by which one was wearing glasses. So after Jonah started wearing lenses, too, he got called "Micah" several times (by his dad, grandparents, teachers, friends at school, etc) because everyone was used to seeing his brother in glasses! Thankfully, the boys each chose different styles of glasses so there's still a way for people in the public to tell them apart. 

Josh and I both thought that the twins would get Josh's eyes...after all, out of our 4 boys, they're the two that look the most like Josh. But, alas, they received my hereditary vision problems. They are the same age I was when I knew that I needed glasses: 4th grade.

Now all four of our boys wear glasses. I told Josh that we're probably going to wear off on him, and he's going to end up wearing glasses, too (well either because of that, or old age, one of the two I'm sure)!

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