Sunday, January 2, 2011

a place of love and beauty

One of my personal goals for 2010 was to go to the temple 6 times. I'm grateful I set this as a goal for myself, because it really helped me to push myself to make the time to go! And I'm happy to report that I completed this particular goal at the end of November!

In February, I went to the Logan temple alone.

In April, I went to the Twin Falls temple with Josh for our anniversary.

In June, I went to the Idaho Falls temple to attend Josh's cousin Alyssa's wedding.

In October, I went to the Idaho Falls temple again with my friend Natalie.

In November, I went to the Boise temple alone.

And the morning after Thanksgiving, I went to the Ogden temple with Josh.

I enjoyed accomplishing this goal! I like visiting new and different temples, I love the peaceful and calm atmosphere of each temple, and I love feeling of the Spirit while inside the temple.

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